The Big Question:
“Did you know that Rock Hard Formula is 
One Half of a Duo of ‘Superherb Formulas’
that can Totally Revolutionize your Health
and Performance?”
Rock Hard Formula is designed to increase your Testosterone Levels, giving
​​​​​​​you much better Sexual Performance, and a much BIGGER sex-drive.
Go All Night Formula, on the other hand, helps you last longer in bed (so
you don’t ‘blow your load’ too soon)... and, recover more quickly, after
​​​​​​​having sex, so you’re ‘ready to go’ again.
It does this by boosting your Endurance and Stamina, thereby shortening
your Recovery Time.
When you take Go All Night, you’ll also experience a BOOST in your Energy
​​​​​​​Levels outside the bedroom too.
I think you can see how Rock Hard and Go All Night are the perfect
Go All Night is also designed to help you to:
Recover after intense exercise
(regardless of whether it’s
lifting weights in the gym,
​​​​​​​going for a run or bike ride, or playing sports)
Support your Immune System
(so you feel Healthy and
Support the Flexibility,
Mobility and Resilience of
your Joints (making you less
​​​​​​​likely to get injured
 - in the bedroom, or elsewhere!)
Divider Text
IMPORTANT: We have many customers who buy Rock Hard Formula and Go All Night Formula every
month - and consume both every day. They ALL agree that using both Formulas is much more powerful
​​​​​​​than using just one, even though both are powerful on their own.
Divider Text

​​​​​And, if LASTING LONGER in bed, before you ejaculate, is an important issue for you, then Go All Night
​​​​​​​Formula is most definitely a ‘must have’ upgrade to your order today.
If you want to be the very best MAN you can be - give Go All Night a try today, at the very special prices below:
Yes Adam!
Please add 1 packet
of Go All Night Formula 
to my order today for just ​​​$97 (34% OFF)
Your Order is Protected by a 90 Day Money-Back Guarantee!
No thanks! I’ll pass up the one-time-only chance to buy Go All Night Formula at this incredibly low price
Yes Adam!
Please add 1 packet
of Go All Night Formula 
to my order today for just ​​​$97 (34% OFF)
Your Order is Protected by a 90 Day Money-Back Guarantee!

​​​​​​​If you’re the kind of person who likes to know 
ALL THE DETAILS, here’s the full story of 

Go All Night Formula, and how it can benefit you....

“The Secret to Getting Even Greater 
Results from Rock Hard…”

Hey, it’s Adam Armstrong here.

First, I want to take a second to confirm what you’ve ordered:

So far, today, you’ve ordered:

1 Packet of Rock Hard Formula.

Your order will usually be shipped within 24 hours Mon-Fri (and you should receive an email, from, within about an hour - explaining how long shipping will take).

Right now though, I need you to pay very close attention to what I’m about to share with you…

Because, if you combine what you’re about to discover here - with the Rock-Hard Formula that you’ve already invested in - you’ll get even GREAT RESULTS…

…taking your Sexual Performance to an even higher level (a level most men don’t even realise is possible).

Follow closely, and all will be revealed…

Just know that you’ll only see the Exclusive Offer on this page once - and if you miss it, you miss it...

There’ll be no 2nd chances.

You have my word on that.

Healthy Testosterone Levels, 
and Powerful Sexual Performance…
Allowing You To Fully Satisfy Your 
Woman in Bed…
Every Night of The week…

That’s why you bought Rock- Hard Formula.

And that’s what it should give you…


Testosterone Levels.



Reliable Sexual Performance -
that lets you make your woman
cum over and over, and over again.

​​​​And, that’s a beautiful thing.

​​​​​​​In fact, you’re gonna feel nearly as good about owning that kind of ‘Sexual Power and Performance,’ as your woman is about feeling it! ;)

Yet, here’s the deal…

Being able to give your woman sex so intense, mind-blowing and orgasmic is great…

But, it’s not the only thing you need to think about if you want to be a total STUD in the bedroom. And completely satisfy every woman you ‘get physical with.’

You see, while it’s true that many women have a lack of ‘Sexual Desire’…

That lack of ‘Sexual Desire’ is usually only caused by men giving women CRAPPY sex!


Give a woman BAD Sex for long enough and her desire to get physical, with you, WILL go down the toilet.

It’ll vanish.

Here’s The Good News:

Give a woman GREAT Sex - complete with multiple intercourse orgasms every time - and she’ll want to ‘get it on’ with you at every available opportunity!

She’ll literally never say “NO” to you!

And, you’ll no longer have to listen to those lame excuses most guys get from their women, when they act like ‘Beta Males’ and ASK her for Sex:

“Not tonight Honey, I’m tired”

“I’m not in the mood babe”

“It’s not you darling. It’s me. I’m just not feeling sexual right now”

Do you know what all those EXCUSES really mean?

They really mean THIS:

“You’ve given me lousy sex for such a long time, that I’m no longer interested in having sex with you. I’m not going to waste my time, and get all messy, just so you can ‘get off,’ and leave me feeling sexually frustrated. Yet again!”

They really mean THIS:

“You’ve given me lousy sex for such a long time, that I’m no longer interested in having sex with you. I’m not going to waste my time, and get all messy, just so you can ‘get off,’ and leave me feeling sexually frustrated. Yet again!”

Truth is…

Most women have a virtually Never-Ending Appetite for Sex when 
you’re giving it to them good!

So, Here’s The Thing…

Rock Hard Formula will give you the kind of Alpha Male Sexual Performance necessary to give your woman Multiple Orgasms every time…

And, that’s gonna send her desire to ‘do the nasty’ with you in the 
bedroom, through-the-roof.

But. I have an important question for you. Here it is:

    “Will you be able to keep up with her?”

    I’m not kidding with you here…

    …I’m being deadly serious when I ask:

    “Will you be able to keep up with her?”

    “Will you be able to last as long as she wants?”

Because, when you start taking Rock Hard Formula - you’re going to experience incredibly STRONG Performance in the Bedroom... meaning that you could easily give her multiple orgasmsEvery single time

…and, if you do that - she’s gonna want Sex from you.

A LOT of Sex!

Heck, she might even demand Sex from you!

But, if you can’t give her the frequency of sex she wants, or you can’t last as long as she wants - it’s gonna cause resentment and frustration in your relationship.

Or, worse

She might CHEAT with a guy who can fulfil her every sexual need…

…including, giving it to her for as long as she wants, as often as she wants it!

But, fear not…

Because here’s the secret to:
Being Able to Fuck Your Woman HARD 
(and Senseless), for 30 Minutes or More, 
Whenever She Demands it From You…
…Even If She Wants It 3, 4 or 5 Times a Night!

Rock-Hard Formula is a unique combination of 9 Ancient Eastern SuperHerbs, carefully mixed - in very specific quantities...

To give you:

  • Healthy Testosterone Levels

  • And:

  • Incredible Performance in the Bedroom

​​​​​​​The next step to being any woman’s DREAM GUY - and a true Alpha Male - in the bedroom, is being able to last 30+ minutes during intercourse, and have sex more frequently.


Being able to not only give your woman Multiple Intercourse Orgasms during sex - imagine giving her that QUALITY of Sex 3, 4 or 5 times a night!

Think that might make your woman truly addicted to you?
Think that might make you feel high in a way that drugs never could?
Think that might cause your woman to want to pleasure you in ways that 
are ILLEGAL in at least some of the 50 states in the US?
Think that might completely ‘Cheat-Proof’ your Relationship (or enable you 
to have any woman you want if you’re currently single)?

The correct answer to those questions, is:


Being able to Perform like a STUD in the bedroom, whenever you want - is fantastic...

And, that’s what Rock Hard Formula is designed to help you to do.

However. Being able to give your woman GREAT SEX - including Multiple Intercourse Orgasms, and, do it over and over, and over again - multiple times a night - well, that just takes your ‘Bedroom Game’ to the next level!

And, the really neat thing is…

My friend Elwin - the Genius who created Rock Hard Formula with me - has developed an Energy Boosting Recovery Formula to help you do exactly that.

An Energy Boosting Recovery Formula that’ll help you have Incredible Sex much more often.

It’s called:
Go All Night Formula!

Like Rock-Hard Formula - Go All Night Formula is a unique blend of Ancient Eastern SuperHerbs…

​​​​​​​SuperHerbs with THOUSANDS of years of research and proof behind them. Used successfully by over a Billion men!

However, unlike Rock-Hard Formula - which is made up of SuperHerbs designed to ensure you have Healthy Testosterone Levels, and a level of HARDNESS sure to bring tears to your woman's eyes...

Go All Night is all about Sexual Endurance 
and Recovery.

The SuperHerbs in Go All Night Formula do exactly what the name of this powerful formula suggest…

​​​​​​​They help you LAST LONGER. And then, once you’ve ‘blown your load,’ they help you recover - so you can be ‘ready-to-go’ again in the shortest time possible. And enjoy even more Red-Hot Action with your woman.

Rock-Hard Formula - ​​​​​​​ Healthy Testosterone Levels, and Steel-Hard Erections

Go All Night Formula - 30+ Minutes Stamina, decreased Refractory Periods, and Much More Frequent Sex (taking the quality of your Sex-Life to a whole new level)

It’s very simple…
Taking Go All Night Formula is EASY.

You take it just like Rock Hard Formula. Meaning, you can:

  • Add it to a smoothie, shake, or soup

  • Sprinkle it over your breakfast cereal

  • Or:

  • Do it the Traditional way, and make it like a Tea

Couldn’t get any simpler.

And it doesn’t matter what time of day you take it - any time will do.

The important thing is to consume it every day. Because consistent daily use will improve your ‘Endurance and Recovery’ over time - and allow you to build up to having sex for 30 minutes +, and 3, 4, 5 or more times a night.

The other thing you should know about, are the many:
Additional Benefits To Taking 
Go All Night Formula…

Although you’re probably most interested in the fact that Go All Night Formula will help you LAST LONGER and Recover Faster, helping you have sex much more frequently…

You should also know that this formula will give you the following additional benefits:

Drinking Go All Night Formula will, over time, make you look and feel younger.


Because all the SuperHerbs in the formula have properties that enhance your youthfulness.

For instance, the SuperHerb ‘Ho She Wu’ has been proven to help some men maintain their hair color (as opposed to going gray)…

And, it also supports Healthy Hair Growth.

Drinking Go All Night Formula will lower your day-to-day stress..

The SuperHerbs in Go All Night Formula will all help to LOWER your day-to-day stress levels.

Lowering your day-to-day stress levels is important for your:

Overall health and vitality

Energy levels

Sexual performance (because too much daily stress is a Sex-Drive and Hard-On Killer)

General happiness and sense of well-being (quite simply - feeling too stressed, on a daily basis, is a recipe for feeling unhappy and miserable)

Drinking Go All Night Formula will make you more ‘Bullet-Proof.’.

Here’s why:

Because it’ll support the flexibility of your muscles (making you much less likely to injure yourself - while also helping you get into any advanced and crazy sexual position you desire!)

Because it’ll support the health of your joints (making you stronger and more resilient)

Because it’ll improve overall endurance (making every-day mental and physical tasks seem easier and less tiring, helping you to get more done…and reducing the likelihood of mental or physical fatigue and burnout)

I could go on, but you get the idea…

Drinking Go All Night Formula will help you have sex A LOT Longer and more often - and it’ll also give you many other benefits too.

Right now, you’re probably wondering:
“Adam, What’s This Incredible 
New Formula Gonna Cost?”

The good news is that when you order Go All Night Formula right here, right now, today - you don’t pay full price…

In fact, you’ll save 51% OFF the usual price.

Just know that you’ll genuinely only see the price on this page once…

So, if you want the best sexual RECOVERY and Stamina formula on the planet - at the best price possible - take action, and take advantage, by ordering right here, right now, today…

And, be sure to keep the following proven FACTS in mind:

Rock-Hard Formula will ensure you have Healthy Testosterone Levels, and a level of hardness your woman will appreciate in the bedroom (Good News: you’ve already purchased this today!)
They say 'the more you tell, the more you sell' which is true... but only if people actually read what you write. People read text that's punchy, interesting and helps them make a good buying decision.

The 2 Formulas work together, synergistically, to give you even great results, when you take them both…

So, what are you waiting for?

To get 3 Packets of Go All Night Formula- and save 51% OFF the usual price - click the GREEN “Order Now” button below*

(*You can try Go All Night Formula risk-free for 60 days, and send it back for a full, No-Questions-Asked Refund, if you’re not 100% happy with your purchase)…

Yes Adam!
Please add 1 packet
of Go All Night Formula 
to my order today for just ​​​$97 (34% OFF)
Your Order is Protected by a 90 Day Money-Back Guarantee!
No thanks! I’ll pass up the one-time-only chance to buy Go All Night Formula at this incredibly low price
Yes Adam!
Please add 1 packet
of Go All Night Formula 
to my order today for just ​​​$97 (34% OFF)
Your Order is Protected by a 90 Day Money-Back Guarantee!
Talk to you soon…
Your friend,
Adam Armstrong

P.S. Listen up my friend. This is real simple…

Go All Night Formula is what you should drink if you want to experience:

30+ Minute Staying Power (so you can last long enough to totally blow your woman’s mind in bed)
Increased Stamina and Endurance (so you can enjoy much more frequent sex with your woman - up to 3, 4, 5 or more times a night!)

And, when you invest in Go All Night Formula right here, right now, today - you’ll get it for at least 34% OFF the full retail price…

And, you’ll get it RISK-FREE - because you’re covered by our iron-clad, 60 day 100% satisfaction money-back guarantee.

Meaning that if you want the ultimate Stamina and RECOVERY drink for Male Sexual Performance on the market…

Take advantage of this crazy-good 1-time-only offer and grab 3 packets of Go All Night Formula right now, by clicking the GREEN "Order Now" button below (and you’ll save 34% or 51% in the process ;)

Yes Adam!
Please add 1 packet
of Go All Night Formula 
to my order today for just ​​​$97 (34% OFF)
Your Order is Protected by a 90 Day Money-Back Guarantee!
No thanks! I’ll pass up the one-time-only chance to buy Go All Night Formula at this incredibly low price
Yes Adam!
Please add 1 packet
of Go All Night Formula 
to my order today for just ​​​$97 (34% OFF)
Your Order is Protected by a 90 Day Money-Back Guarantee!

P.P.S. Go All Night Formula won’t just give you more STAMINA in the bedroom - turning you into a Stud who RAVAGES his woman multiple times a night, every night…

…it’ll also give you way more Stamina OUTSIDE the bedroom too! Making you more productive, and helping you get more done.

And, the really cool thing is:

Go All Night Formula will give you this very welcome boost in Stamina SAFELY and NATURALLY (and without the awful ‘crash’ you get when you drink Caffeine/Coffee, or consume Fattening High-Carb/High-Sugar Foods and Snacks).

Go All Night Formula is 100% Safe, Healthy and good for you :)

Yes Adam!
Please add 1 packet
of Go All Night Formula 
to my order today for just ​​​$97 (34% OFF)
Your Order is Protected by a 90 Day Money-Back Guarantee!
No thanks! I’ll pass up the one-time-only chance to buy Go All Night Formula at this incredibly low price
Yes Adam!
Please add 1 packet
of Go All Night Formula 
to my order today for just ​​​$97 (34% OFF)
Your Order is Protected by a 90 Day Money-Back Guarantee!

P.P.P.S. Just one more thing…

Both Rock Hard Formula, and Go All Night Formula can really improve your PHYSIQUE and make you Look and Feel like a Million Bucks when you’re NAKED!

How so?

Well, think about it…

Rock Hard Formula (which you’ve already invested in), will ensure you have Healthy Testosterone Levels. Allowing you to get ‘fired up’ before your workouts, and helping you build Muscle, gain Strength, and lose ugly Body-Fat.

Go All Night Formula will give you MORE STAMINA, and it’ll IMPROVE your RECOVERY…


You’ll be able to workout even harder and more intensely for longer, (because Go All Night is going to give you more Stamina)…

…and, you’ll Recover Faster from Workouts (allowing you to workout more frequently, and therefore - make even faster gains in Muscle and Strength).

See what I mean?

Rock Hard Formula and Go All Night Formula work synergistically, inside and outside of the bedroom, in a variety of amazing ways!

Choose an order option, and save up to 51% OFF Go All Night Today....

Yes Adam!
Please add 1 packet
of Go All Night Formula 
to my order today for just ​​​$97 (34% OFF)
Your Order is Protected by a 90 Day Money-Back Guarantee!
No thanks! I’ll pass up the one-time-only chance to buy Go All Night Formula at this incredibly low price
Yes Adam!
Please add 1 packet
of Go All Night Formula 
to my order today for just ​​​$97 (34% OFF)
Your Order is Protected by a 90 Day Money-Back Guarantee!
Copyright (c) 2018. The New Alpha & Lion Heart Intelligent Solutions LTD. All Rights Reserved